Sunday, March 27, 2011

end of week 12

 Saturday morning I ate yogurt and a banana and drank a low sodium v-8 for breakfast. Then I head to healthsport for some cardio exercise. I do 20 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes on the arc trainer, and 20 minutes on the bicycle. I eat a salad as soon as I get home and then head to work for the day. While working I ate a roast beef sandwich on wheat and had a bowl of beef stew a few hours later.
 Sunday I also start with yogurt and a banana and this time add an apple. I head to the gym for cardio. I do 60 hard minutes and head home. I’m working today and I ate 3 pieces of cheese pizza before leaving the house. While at work I had 2 taco’s that were made from grass-fed tenderloin so, they were very lean and tasty. Probably the best taco’s I’ve even eaten. I snack on an orange before going to bed.

Friday, March 25, 2011

mid week 12

 Wednesday morning I start out with yogurt, a banana and a low sodium v-8 for breakfast. I hit the gym and start out on the treadmill for 20 minutes to get the blood pumping. Then I head over to the weights to do some bicep and trap work. I finish my morning workout with 20 minutes on the arc trainer and then 20 minutes on the rowing machine.
 I ate some grapes and an orange as soon as I got home from the gym and a couple hours later made a huge salad with broccoli and carrots and mushrooms. I left the cheese off this time, something I need to do more often. I’m working today so, no evening trip to the gym today. My girlfriend made a very special dinner for tonight, Stuffed shells and another salad. I have learned that if your girlfriend is going to take the time to make a special dinner than, you better eat I know the stuffed shells were not the best for me but, I’m ok with it.
Thursday morning began with a yogurt, a banana and a low sodium v-8. Then it’s off to the gym for some cardio. The usual 20/20/20 minute split and I head for home. I ate some grapes and strawberries and then a couple of hours later I ate a huge delicious salad. I have been using romaine and spinach for my salads this week. I believe that it’s one of the best combinations as far as health benefits go. We ended up going for a nice little hike in the afternoon. Probably close to a mile with changing elevations.
 Dinner time was a chicken stir fry. Thursday night we decided to hit a karaoke bar for some entertainment, drinks and fun. After having another fun filled evening of activities with a bunch of Michiganders 3500 miles from home we decided to visit a local favorite hamburger joint. It was a Bad decision that was made under the influence of alcohol. I can only say oops at this
Friday I had a yogurt, a banana and a low sodium v-8 for breakfast. I’m feeling a little rough today but, not too bad. Lunchtime came we ended up visiting the local burrito truck for some Mexican food. I decided to head to the gym. I start with the normal 20 minutes on the treadmill and head over to the weights to finish up my weight training for the week. I’m working my back and shoulders today. I haven’t done my back and shoulders in 2 weeks because of sickness and injury. I finish off with 20 minutes on the arc trainer and head home for dinner. I ate 2 waffles with strawberries, one egg that was scrambled and some cantaloupe. I did not use any butter or syrup on dinner tonight.
 I think the reality of what a job this actually is going to be for me to reach my goal, kind of sunk in today. I have seen obvious improvements and feel obvious health improvements so that definitely keeps me going. I just have to keep reminding myself that I am in a war and not just a battle. There are no quick fixes and I am looking at a complete lifestyle change. I’m not going to beat myself up too much about eating junk late Thursday night, I can only learn from it and move on. I’ve been to the gym everyday so far this week and don’t intend on taking a day off.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

beginning of week 12

 Monday morning, not my favorite, but, got to get moving. I start my day with some yogurt and a banana and head to the gym. My shoulder is feeling pretty decent today. So, I’m going to lift weights a little bit. But first, hello treadmill, 20 minutes and I’m over to the weights. I do a real light routine for my shoulders and triceps, obviously I don’t want to hurt myself anymore than I all ready did. I get through the weight lifting routine and I go back to the cardio side. I do 20 minutes on the arc trainer and hit the shower.
Lunchtime I made myself a big huge salad. I used organic leaf lettuce along with some spinach and mixed it together. I topped it with broccoli and carrots and my favorite, mushrooms. I use light raspberry vinaigrette to top it off. I did shred a little bit of cheese on top of my salad as well, not much I swear.
 For dinner I ate some carrots and broccoli along with a grass-fed cheese burger. Damn, I just can’t eliminate the meat in my life. I love meat! Lol, anyways, I’m trying to do my best on the meat thing. I really am.  So, in the evening I decided to head back to healthsport for some more cardio action. I do the normal 60 minute routine and hit the hot tub. Feels like a Monday that’s for sure. When I got home I ate an orange.
 Tuesday morning I start my day off with yogurt and a banana along with a low sodium v-8. I head to the gym for a 60 minute cardio routine. 20 hard minutes on the treadmill at 10% grade and 3.2 mph and in those 20 minutes I walk just over a mile and burn 185 to 190 calories is what the display shows. Then 20 hard minutes on the arc trainer which ends up being a little over a mile and between 200 to 250 calories burned. Finished off with 20 minutes on the rowing machine. The rowing machine display says I row over 4000 meters and burn around 220 to 240 calories in those 20 minutes. I feel that this is a good pace.
 I head home for lunch and eat a free range turkey sandwich on whole wheat with an apple on the side. I made myself another huge salad the same as I made yesterday later in the day. I decide to head back to healthsport in the evening for a 40 minute cardio session and top it off with 10 laps in the pool. My shoulder feels good but, it like movements that are only low and not above my head. I’ll have to keep that in mind.
 I’m happy with my start to week 12. I’m doing good and working hard. I definitely feel it’s time for me to start mixing in other cardio. I get sick of seeing those machines. There is a couple I have been avoiding but, don’t think I can do it for much longer, the step mill and Jacobs ladder, damn, just the sound of those, lol. I feel much better than I did last week; my cough is almost out of me all the way.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

week 11

 Monday morning for breakfast I ate a bowl of cereal with 2% milk and headed off to the gym. I am doing some weight lifting along with my cardio today. I am starting out with 20 minutes on the treadmill and then over to the weights. I’m working my chest and triceps. I finish my weight routine and head back to the cardio. I do 20 minutes on the arc trainer and 20 minutes on the rowing machine. I head home for lunch which ended up being a foot long sub from subway and some baked chips and iced tea. Dinner ended up being baked chicken with carrots and organic Mac and cheese. I head back to the gym in the evening. I do a 40 minute cardio session and 20 laps in the pool this evening.
 Tuesday morning for breakfast I had a bowl of cereal in 2% milk and head for the gym. Just cardio today for me, a 60 minute session is in order. I finish off my morning workout and head for home. For lunch I used some left over baked chicken and put it on top of a salad. I decide to head back to the gym in the evening. 40 more minutes of cardio and I hit the shower. For Dinner I ate 2 pieces of cheese pizza.
 Wednesday morning for breakfast I ate some yogurt and a banana and head for the gym. I start my workout with the usual 20 minutes on the treadmill. Then I head over to the weights for some lifting. I am working my biceps and trap muscles today. On my very first exercise I feel something in my shoulder pop. I immediately stop my weight training for the day and I am in some pain. Too much pain to be at the gym so, I head home with a sore wing. I’m working today so, I hope it doesn’t affect me too much. My shoulder is sore as hell. While I was working I ate a turkey sandwich for lunch and when dinner time came around we had organic spaghetti.
I didn’t sleep well on Wednesday night. My sore shoulder kept me from being comfortable in a sleeping position. Thursday when I did get out of bed it was time to go to work. I had time to throw down some cereal and head out the door. Lunchtime came around it was another turkey sandwich today. No trip to the gym today for me at all. For dinner I ate a tuna filet with baked potato and steamed broccoli. Thursday was St. Patty’s day so, I did drink 6 beers. My shoulder still hurts pretty badly. I can’t really move my arm above my shoulder today still.
Friday morning I sleep in until lunch time basically. I go to the local burrito truck and have them whip me up a chicken burrito before heading to work for the day. My shoulder is feeling a little better today. We are working late so I grab a quick salad for an early dinner; I guess is what I will call it. After work was over I ate 3 pieces of cheese pizza.
Saturday morning rolled around and when I climbed out of bed my shoulder was really stiff. I was able to get a good night sleep though which I am happy about. I do realize I am not going to be able to lift weights for a while. I’m also hoping my shoulder doesn’t affect my softball season. For breakfast I ate a bowl of cereal. For lunch I ate a turkey sandwich and for dinner I had an 8 ounce steak with 2 scoops of rice.
 Sunday morning I cooked up some scrambled eggs and sausage. Not good for me but, tasted damn good. I ate some yogurt and fruit around lunch time and snacked on some crackers and chips and salsa the rest of the evening.
Overall, it was kind of a shitty week. Not only did I hurt my shoulder but, I missed a bunch of time at the gym. I still feel a little sick. Damn, cough won’t leave me alone. My girlfriend had to cover a bunch of shifts at the bar she works at. So, I go and pick her up every night anywhere between midnight and 3 am. I couldn’t seem to get enough sleep and hit the gym with work also involved this week. However, she won’t have to do that anymore and it will be business as usual next week.
In reality I think I used my injury as an excuse to cut out on some of my exercise for the week. I recognize this and need to overcome any thoughts of laziness in the future. Also hoping my shoulder gets better quick. I knew this was going to be one of my toughest entries into this blog because I was the laziest I have been in months. I think I might have gained some weight back even.
It just adds fuel to the fire for next week. I know it is going to be a serious commitment to get where I need to get to. My level of smoking is still really good. My alcohol intake was a little high this week I would say around 15 beers or so. I have not had a chew in 14 days now. WOO HOO!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

end of week 10

 I had a few errands to run on Wednesday when I woke up and also knew I was heading to a show this evening so, I am only making it to the gym once today. We stopped for lunch and I ate some baked fish along with a salad and a chicken taco. Errands are done and my belly is full so, I head to the gym.
I am working my biceps and trap muscles today along with the normal 60 minutes of cardio. First I start with 20 minutes on the treadmill and then head over to the weights. I finish up my weight routine and move on to finish up my cardio routine. I hit the shower and then I’m out of there.
When I got home from the gym I decided to eat a salad around mid afternoon. I’ve been doing my best to eat lots of salad and to eat a lot of carrots and broccoli raw. I’m excited to go to this show tonight, it should be fun. A Michigan group called greensky bluegrass. We met up with some friends at the spot where the concert is going down and decided to have dinner. My dinner ended up being a green salad and a grass fed cheese burger with a giant portabella mushroom on top. It was definitely one of the top 5 burgers I have ever eaten. Thank you Humboldt brewing company for that. I had a few drinks during the show and also smoked a little bit. The show was as good as I expected it to be.
 When I woke up on Thursday morning I felt absolutely horrible. I must have picked up some sickness from somebody at that show. I could not get out of bed at all on Thursday. I did not eat anything on Thursday and pretty much slept on and off all day and night. I have not been this sick in many years.
 I was hoping that when I woke up on Friday I would feel good enough to go to the gym but, it didn’t happen. For the second straight week I was going to miss 2 days in a row of workouts. I’m not happy about it but, what can I do really? Just rest and try to get better. Friday I was able to eat a little bit throughout the day. I had 2 eggs with toast and also a little bit of spaghetti in the evening. I’ve been taking lots of vitamins and some other natural remedies to try and get better. It is starting to work.
 Saturday morning I woke with the plan on hitting the gym no matter how I felt. I started the day off with some special k cereal for breakfast with 2% milk. I still felt like shit but, no way was I taking 3 days off from the gym. My cardio workout was tough but, I soldiered through it and did all 60 minutes. When I made it home I cooked up a chicken breast and put it on top of another fantastic salad.
 Evening time came and I was bored so, I said, to hell with it, I’ll go back to the gym, so I did. Just a 40 minute cardio session and I’m out. I headed home for dinner which I had a small amount of roast beef and some peanut butter toast with all natural peanut butter and some good for you toast. Smoked a little bit and then hit the sack.
 I woke up Sunday still felling rough. I was hoping to be feeling better than this by now. I eat some cereal for breakfast and then head to the gym. It’s another 60 minute cardio session and I’m out. I ate a roast beef sandwich for lunch and had a tuna filet with a baked potato and steamed broccoli for dinner.
 It’s kind of crazy to think that making it to the gym 8 times this week and 8 times last week that I feel a little bit disappointed. I’ve been at a 12 times a week pace for weeks now. But, the fact of the matter is, I could not control any of the circumstances I was placed in. so, all I can do is bounce back and use it as motivation.
 I’ve been real happy with my level of smoking. I have had some real good self control. Wednesday night was also the only night I drank alcohol this week and I’m happy about that. Something else I’m stoked about is that I have not had any chewing tobacco in 7 days. This is an addiction that I have battled since I was 12 years old. I am not saying that I’ve won yet but, it’s a hell of a start.